
MN Ballots

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Round Quarters


The Round


AC: Solid case. I like the overall format of the case. I think its interesting though that it’s 3 1/2 minutes of links and a single impact statement at the end.

AR: Great job. I would prefer a bit more turns on case and taking out of the offense of the case. You do a lot of link beating.


NC: The argument about Bolten doesn’t seem super timely. Maybe I’m missing something with regards to what is happening in the round.

NR: Time out! So you didn’t read a card about Iran after they requested to see it? Smith evidence says that the currency is devalued. What currency, the host currency or the US Dollar? This is confusing, because the Aff says they are switching to the dollar.


As a side note, if this was a round with speaker points I would be reducing them for your over the top continuation past the timer. I’ve had to throw my hands up twice now since you are close to 8 to 10 seconds past. That said, I LOVE the extensions of the impacts at the bottom of case.

The exchange rate stuff is a HOT MESS! You need to recognize this sooner and try to clean up or find other offense.


This is SO MUCH line-by-line in this speech. Where is the summary of the debate.



So the framework is a short term debate. This is granted by the drop in the 2N that we cannot predict long term, we don’t know if Maduro will leave, etc.

I’ll be honest this round is a mess when it comes to weighing.

So this is what I know.


I’m buying the aff argument that drugs are going to happen and it’s going to kill a bunch of people. This is a turn at the top of the NC. I have 5300 short term deaths. The answer in final focus isn’t on my flow so I have to say it’s new. Signposting was hard to follow for both sides at times.

Financial Markets

I’m not sure either side really understands what is happening on this debate now. I don’t understand what the turn is the NC offers and I’m not sure the IMF stuff doesn’t answer this argument. In the end, I’m going to walk away from this because it’s way too big of a mess to make any decisions on.


I’m leaning towards the argument that short term, which is the criterion for the round, that we need to help people as fast as possible. Aff is winning that sanctions is keeping out the needed help.


I don’t think the neg is getting much of anything here. We have no clue if they will ever go to war, aff says there is no chance they go to war in an election year.

So neither side does much weighing in this debate so I’ll do it for them.

100% chance of drug deaths reducing and increasing medical supplies outweighs the maybe someday in the future there is a war impact.

I affirm.